Software Ordering, Licensing and Asset Management

The University of Vienna introduced a software licensing, ordering and asset management system to support software compliance. Non-free academic/educational software (e.g. Microsoft Office, Mathematica, Matlab, ...) will no longer be provided on every department computer per default, but on a requested-by-user policy.

Order software

The ordering process depends on your computer. There are two types of systems:

  1. Managed clients: Computers installed by us (e.g. the computer in your office, ...).
  2. Unmanaged clients: Computers installed by yourself with no automatic software delivery (e.g. most laptops, Apple computers, ...).

To order a license follow the appropriate instructions below and use your u:account to login to the Selfservice-Portal and the ZID SWD-Server (if a login fails please use "u\" as prefix). Please note: to visit these websites, your computer must be in the university network (or VPN). Unfortunately the Selfservice-Portal doesn't work well with some versions of Internet Explorer (some buttons are missing, so you cannot place an order). Please use another browser (it works well with Firefox, Chrome, Safari, ...) or use the Compatibility View in Internet Explorer.

Managed Clients

Managed clients are already prepared for software ordering. However, if this is your first time ordering software, you will have to be registered as your client's main user. Please email your request to (or use the helpdesk form) and your data will be entered into the licensing system. Make sure that your request contains either the hostname of your computer or the last four digits of its MAC address (which you find on a sticker on your computer).

After you have been registered, please order software from the Selfservice-Portal. The language can be set to English (subsequent emails are then also in English).

Please be careful to choose the correct operating system and only software marked with an "M:" or saying (in the description) "for managed clients"!

After you have completed your order, a request will be sent to us to confirm the order. Usually your request will be granted swiftly, however under rare circumstances we may have to decline the request (you will be informed of the reason, of course).

The chosen software will automatically be installed on your computer during the next restart or when you are not logged in.

Unmanaged Clients

Before you can order software from the Selfservice-Portal for unmanaged clients, you need to register your computer and you have to be assigned as the main user in the licensing system.

If you want to add your laptop to the system, please pay us a short visit. Don't forget to bring your laptop along. You will find us in rooms 05.119 or 05.121.

(Note that the computer registration instructions differ from the ones one the ZID homepage but this is on purpose!) After you have been registered, please order software from the Selfservice-Portal. The language can be set to English (subsequent emails are then also in English).

Please be careful to choose the correct operating system and only software marked with an "U:" or saying (in the description) "for unmanaged clients"!

After the order and grant process is completed, you will receive a link to download the software from the ZID SWD-Server so you can install it manually on your computer.

Return software

If your employment contract ends or you don't need the software anymore, please return it at the Selfservice-Portal (for this, go to 'Workplace' -> 'My Services' and click on 'Return' for the service you want to return). After this, it will automatically be uninstalled on managed clients, on unmanaged clients you have to uninstall it by yourself. It is important that you return the software in the Selfservice-Portal, since the Faculty pays for it on a quarterly basis (which is calculated according to the time you own it in the Selfservice-Portal).

Please keep in mind that you are not allowed to have this software installed anywhere (not even on a desktop computer at the math department) without an active employment contract with the University of Vienna.

Further information (ZID)